Season 8 Podcast Guests

Meet Season 8 Set Yourself Free Podcast Guests!

Season 8 of the Set Yourself Free podcast is back to an all women's line up. You will hear from 6 incredible experts on nervous system regulation. We dive deep into how in the world to feel safe in your body to earn, receive, and keep more profit in your online business. We also talk about the juiciest hacks, strategies, and ways that you can increase your capacity for more goodness in your life (outside of your business and of course inside your business too!) We are peeling back the curtain to go in depth into why nervous system regulation matters!

Introducing Season 8 Guests!

My entire business is based on nervous system regulation work, and I came to it out of necessity in my own life.

My first panic attack happened when I was 12 years old. I dealt with a chronically dysregulated nervous system for close to 20 years before I came across TRE (tension and trauma releasing exercises) and had it change my life. TRE helped me entirely eliminate my panic attacks and chronic anxiety so I trained to become a certified provider.

I now work with cycle breaker moms teaching them "nervous system literacy" through my signature course The Reactive to Regulated Mother as well as 1:1 coaching. I've seen my clients become more self-compassionate, grounded, happy, fulfilled, and impactful through this work.

I have extensive experience with nervous system regulation, and it's a core part of emotional mastery. I teach integrating this kind of regulation to all my clients, and of course, embody this everyday myself. It's what has allowed me to to grow my business exponentially, and expand in a way that still feels SO good.

My coaching is trauma-informed and based in person-centered and somatic experiencing models. I have a Masters in Science in Clinical Counseling and a certification in somatic coaching and leadership, and combine my extensive training with a lot of real-life experience in life and business to deliver firm but gentle coaching that is always based in love and compassion — with a solid backbone of truth.

I’m Dr. Lee -- a pleasure-focused, trauma-informed coach and mentor for those who desire to take back command over their brains, bodies, and bank accounts.

I'm a nurse practitioner, mindset coach, and certified clinical trauma specialist. Emotional/Nervous system regulation is the foundation of everything that I teach my clients and the tools I personally have used/use to release the effects of past/current traumas. I started the Institute for Trauma & Psychological safety to teach the masses how to emotionally regulate to process their painful pasts and to prevent further re-traumatization.

I teach sensitive entrepreneurs, coaches, and leaders how to partner with their nervous systems so that they stop getting in their own way as business owners or executives. I found that the nervous system was MISSING entirely from most business conversations or programs, and no one can follow through on or succeed sustainably with strategies that push their bodies past their comfort zones - UNLESS they know how to support and regulate their internal sense of safety.

I help empaths like myself overcome these self-sabotaging behaviors and teach how to recenter your needs, speak your truth, and create resilience so that you're in the driver's seat of your life.

Nervous system regulation is at the heart of my work and everything I do. I teach my clients to feel safe with money through my signature Nervous System Protocol ™️. It’s through this work that me + my clients feel safe to receive - wealth, visibility, and everything else.

When I first started talking about the nervous system, there weren’t that many people talking about it, but it was the KEY in me finally growing my business and allowing it to soar. For someone with a lot of past trauma and emotions that my body has memorized, this work has been a godsend!

I’m Shelby Leigh (she/her). Like so many of us, I have wounds that got the best of me for years. Carrying the weight of unprocessed grief and fear for decades, I existed in a state of shame. I believed I was broken. I believed I didn’t belong. I believed I was too much. What I learned is that what happened to me was too much.

Desperately wanting to feel better from chronic health issues and overwhelming anxiety and depression, I learned everything I possibly could to find healing. The one truth that set me free from the heaviness of the wounds I carry:

Every single part of you is welcome,
exactly as you are right now.

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