Unlock Your Power & Get All You Want In Life

Unlock Your Power & Get all you want in life

Ready to get ALL that your heart desires?

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Join me for 25 days of FREE livestreams to take control of your life and finally have the secret to getting everything you want! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ”ฅ

I'll be going LIVE EVERY SINGLE DAY Sunday through Thursday at 8pm EST/5pm PST (my Monday through Friday mornings) inside my FREE Facebook group to help you step into your power and finally get EVERYTHING you want in life.

If you doubt that you CAN have everything in life, then this is for you.

If you're not seeing the money you desire in your life, then this is for you.

If you don't have the relationships you desire, then this is for you.

If you're not happy with any area of your life, then this is for you! 


























Ultimate 25 day livestream series to take your power back and get all you want

11 Things Keeping You Stuck AF & Not Making Money

11 things keeping you stuck AF

If you're anything like me (which I know you are). You have big dreams for your life, you want a business, a job, a life that excites you and you know you are on this planet to do more. You aren't entirely sure why you feel stuck AF, but you do. 

You are talented. You are gifted. But you can't seem to figure out why you aren't moving forward at the pace you desire to.

So let's dive into my honest list of 11 things that kept me stuck AF last year and are potentially keeping you stuck too!

11 Things Keeping You Stuck AF & Not Making Money

1. I didn't know how to market SOLUTIONS to potential clients.

2. I felt like I had to prove myself to strangers on the internet instead of SHOW people HOW I could help them.

3. I wasn't allowing my business to be ALIGNED with who I really wanted to help (because it was SCARY AF)

4. I was doing #allthethings others were telling me to do (ohhhh Voxer coaching...every coach does that, therefore I MUST do that too)

5. Money blocks//money fears

6. I was being SUPER hard on myself without even realizing it

7. Comparing my progress with strangers on the Internet

8. Not having proper boundaries in place in my life

9. Thinking I had to overcome my fears instead of simply letting my fears be there, be a HUMAN, and still do the damn thing fears and all

10. Not having the right support in my business and life to ask me hard questions while also supporting the F outta me

and probably the BIGGEST thing that stood in my way...

11. Giving away my power over and over again by thinking there was a secret I didn't know. 

I had ALWAYS been successful in my life and literally never doubted my success. Literally something in me has always believed I can do absolutely anything and everything I set my mind to. Not entirely sure why the online space felt different to me, but it did. 

I was giving away my power, doubting myself, looking to others that hadn't actually built success in a way that felt good to me, and I was STUCK AF. 

What do you relate to? Where are you keeping yourself stuck AF?

Want some help getting out of your own way and stepping fully into YOUR confidence and power? Because you already know enough. You're already good enough. You might just need a mirror to help you and I'd love nothing more than to support you.

Are you ready to set yourself free 
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13 Self-Care Practices for Free

13 self-care practices

Self-care is all the buzz in personal development circles, right? Everyone seems to be talking about it but how do you actually lean into practicing it? If you're looking for some self-care practices, you are in the right spot!

If you're new to the self-care space or need some fresh ideas, this list is for you! 13 simple ways that you can practice some good old self-care toward yourself today. And you know what's even better? They are all free!

1. Start your day with meditation

2. Journal for a few minutes

3. Look yourself in the mirror and say three nice things about your appearance

4. Text someone you care about and tell them you are thinking about them

5. Go for a walk during your lunch break

dog park

6. Take your dog for a walk. Oh don't have a dog? Head to your dog park and find some local puppies to play with!

7. Practice the art of slowing down while you are enjoying your meals. Actually think about what you are eating.

8. Smile. It looks good on you

9. Write down 10 things you are grateful for

10. Take a warm bath

11. Get up and stretch your body

12. Write down 5 reasons you are proud of yourself

13. Have a dance party in the kitchen

Self-care practices don't have to be complicated or cost money.

Remember that the best and simplest way to take care of yourself is focusing on things that make you feel good. The better you feel, the better you will show up in this world! 

Are you ready to set yourself free 
& transform your life?

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13 self-care ideas

13 Questions To Ask Yourself To Change Your Life Instantly

13 questions to ask yourself to change your life instantly

Looking for motivation and inspiration to change your life? Feeling like life is passing you by and you want to make sure you are in the driver seat versus someone else being in charge of your happiness? If so, then this list of questions is for you!

Personal growth work can be some of the most influential work that we can do. If you're looking for self-improvement and tips to a happier overall self, then start with these questions and change your life instantly!


1. What do I actually really, really want?

2. What does my ideal day look like?

3. What brings me the most joy in life?

4. Am I happy with where I am now?

5. What am I best at in life?

6. What can I do right now to take better care of myself?

7. What's going right in my life right now?

8. What am I grateful for in this very moment?

9. What do I love about myself?

10. What am I most proud of in my life right now?

11. Where can I lean into trusting myself more fully?

12. Am I doing work that lights me up?

13. What is my gut trying to tell me today?

Use these questions to dig deeper into what you really want in life and how to make magic unfold. These are fantastic journal prompts to help you dive deeper into your personal growth journey. 

Are you ready to set yourself free 
& transform your life?

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13 Questions to ask

65 Self-Care Ideas to Love Yourself More Fully

65 self-care ideas

Wondering about self-care? Want to step into loving yourself more fully? 

Self-care has certainly become a buzz word these days. It truly is such an important practice in order to love ourselves fully so that we can pour into others. After all, you can't pour from an empty cup.

This list of self-care ideas will give you tips, activities, ideas for taking better care of your mental health, and who you that taking care of yourself isn't selfish at all.

Whether you are most interested in daily self-care routines, new self-care ideas, or tips and trips to love yourself more fully that will also give others permission to do the same, this list will inspire you and motivate you to ensure you take the best care of yourself possible.

65 Self-Care Ideas to Love Yourself More Fully

Outdoor ideas:

Being connected to nature, stepping outside, and more are so important for our overall wellness. Take a look at these outdoor self-care ideas for how you can embark on some new ways to care for yourself!


1. Go for a walk in nature

2. Take your dog for a walk or if you don't have a dog, head to your local dog park to interact with some doggies

3. Pack a picnic and eat a meal outside

4. Dine in your backyard and eat al fresco

5. Take a bike ride around your neighborhood

6. Go for a star gazing night in the open air

7. Build a garden

8. Plant some flowers

9. Find grass and walk barefoot 

Spiritual ideas:

Even if you don't consider yourself "spiritual" I highly recommend giving these self-care ideas a whirl and being open to considering them. It's amazing what happens when we are willing to try new ways of thinking and being!


10. Meditate for at least 5 minutes

11. Go to a church service

12. Light candles in your space

13. Journal and go inward

Physical ideas:

There is so much evidence how critical it is to move our bodies daily. So go on and give this list of physical self-care ideas a try!


14. Stretch your body

15. Go for a run 

16. Take a yoga class

17. Go out dancing

18. Do some breathing exercises

19. Use a foam roller to release tension in your body

20. Try acupunture

21. Get a full body massage

Social ideas:

We are human beings and connectedness is so critical to who we are. Whether you are introverted or extroverted, it is so important that we connect on a deep, human level and these social self-care ideas will give you ways to do so!


22. Go to the movies with a friend

23. Grab a coffee with a friend

24. Take a salsa class with girlfriends

25. Calling a friend across town or across the world and have a phone date

26. Throw a dinner party

27. Join a bookclub

28. Be willing to go on a date

29. Go bowling with friends

30. Have a game night

Mental ideas:

The ability to go inward is so important. After all our longest and most important relationship will always be with ourselves. Give these mental self-care ideas a try!


31. Practice saying "no"

32. Challenge your negative self-talk and change it into positivity

33. Tell yourself 5 positive things you like about yourself daily

34. Look in the mirror and compliment your appearance

35. Avoid toxic people and spend time with those you love

36. Make a list of 10 things you are proud of yourself for

37. Celebrate the wins of others

38. Read a new book

39. Listen to a podcast

40. Go to a seminar or retreat

41. Make a gratitude list daily

Emotional ideas:

We are human beings that are full of ideas, thoughts, emotions, and it is important that we learn to care for ourselves in all aspects of life. These emotional self-care ideas are for you to embrace your full and authentic self more fully!

Emotional self-care ideas

42. Accept your feelings whatever they are

43. Write down your feelings and acknowledge them in a journal

44. Give lots of long hugs

45. Belly laugh with another person

46. Release your emotions by crying

47. Say yes to yourself and your needs

48. Allow yourself to receive

49. Accept yourself fully

50. Take 100% responsibility for your actions

51. Practice forgiveness toward yourself and others

Other self-care ideas:

This last list is full of all kinds of other self-care ideas that you can try on for size! I hope these are all extremely helpful to love yourself more fully, build self-confidence, and discover who you truly are. 


52. Practice healthy boundaries and limits with social media

53. Develop a morning routine that does not involve technology and sets you up for a positive state of mind

54. Ask for help

55. Eat healthy foods for your body type

56. Learn how to use positive affirmations and practice them multiple times throughout the day

57. Put reminders around your house, car, workplace etc of positivity and things that make you feel good

58. Practice random acts of kindness

59. Go for a swim in the ocean

60. Be spontaneous

61. Do something that scares you

62. Push your mental limits and get accountability doing so

63. Stop complaining

64. Declutter your workspace

65. Sit on a rooftop

What self-care practices and ideas would you add to the list? What are your favorites?

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self-care ideas

The Top 20 Quotes to Create a Positive Mindset

Top 20 quotes to create a positive mindset

Struggling with your mindset and need some motivation? I got you!

One thing that is invaluable is learning to adopt a growth mindset.

What is a growth mindset? As Carol Dweck explains it, a growth mindset is the belief that all abilities are trainable. That nothing is fixed and that we can change everything through persistent and adaptive effort. 

Read on for the top 20 quotes to create a positive mindset in your life right now.

1. "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says โ€˜Iโ€™m possible!โ€™" 
โ€“Audrey Hepburn

2. "There is no failure. Only feedback." 
โ€“Robert Allen

3. "Success is not an accident, success is a choice." 
โ€“Stephen Curry

4. "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

5. "Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I've met people who don't want to try for fear of failing."
-J.K. Rowling

6. โ€œLook for the good in every person and every situation. You'll almost always find it.โ€
-Brian Tracy

7. "Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua Marine

8. "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."  
-Walt Disney

9. "My dad encouraged us to fail. Growing up, he would ask us what we failed at that week. If we didn't have something, he would be disappointed. It changed my mindset at an early age that failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying. Don't be afraid to fail."
-Sara Blakely

10. "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
-Winston Churchill


11. "We must get our hearts broken sometimes. This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something."
-Elizabeth Gilbert

12. โ€œWhether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.โ€
-Henry Ford

13. โ€œMay your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.โ€
-Nelson Mandela

14. โ€œYou have not failed unless you have quit trying.โ€
-Gordon B. Hinckley

15. โ€œBe so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.โ€
-Chetan Bhagat

16. โ€œThe greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make a mistake.โ€
-Elbert Hubbard

17. โ€œCourage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.โ€
-Brenรฉ Brown 

18. "What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs."

19. โ€œThe people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.โ€
-Steve Jobs

20. "Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life."
-Tony Robbins

Are you ready to set yourself free 
& transform your life?

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The Top 3 Ways to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

Top 3 ways to overcome your limiting beliefs

Do you struggle with feeling like you aren't good enough? That you aren't doing enough, being enough? Simply aren't enough? When these thoughts keep coming up, it's time to start reworking our beliefs so that these limiting beliefs don't keep getting in the way from you taking action to build the life of your dreams.

Step #1: Develop a journaling practice.

The first step toward recognizing any and all limiting beliefs is to acknowledge that you have them in the first place. When you admit something is limiting you, you can then change it.

Open up your journal and get super honest with yourself.

What do you feel like is holding you back from the life you actually want? Is it because you don't have enough time, money, resources, etc? Do you not like the way your body looks in that swimsuit? It is because you don't feel ready?

Open that journal up and get ridiculously honest with yourself about your life and what you actually want in the first place.  Once you acknowledge what you want, we can discover what you feel is in the way from where you are now and what you want.

Step #2: Rewrite your old stories.

The choice is always up to you (even when it doesn't feel like it) to rewrite those limiting stories. You get to choose if you want to embrace a growth mindset or have a fixed mindset.

If you choose to have a growth mindset, you'll understand that you always get to embrace learning and opportunities that come your way. 

Whenever you are working to overcome your limiting beliefs, you have to shift to a growth mindset. You need to create new thoughts and beliefs (simply a thought you keep on thinking over and over again) in order to shift and change your old patterns. 

Rewriting your stories requires you to take 100% responsibility for your life.

You can change at any point and you get to be the one to take control of your story in order to do so. 

In order to change your beliefs and your stories, it is critical to take an honest look at your thought patterns and create a different mindset.

Paying attention to the thoughts we are thinking and realizing that we can shift and change them is such a powerful practice.

You can begin by trying on positive and encouraging affirmations that embody the new mindset you are working to embrace.

Step #3: Take inspired action NOW.

Generally, this will come naturally. Once you start thinking better thoughts and therefore feeling better, you are much more likely to take inspired action out of this place.

You will feel like taking the action because your feeling much better.

It definitely can feel counterintuitive at times to start with our thoughts and our minds, but the truth is that changing our limiting beliefs and our lives truly begins with our thoughts.

Thoughts truly become things.

I honestly thought it was all so "woo-woo" and "out there" for years but the truth is that what you focus on expands. It all begins in your mind. You get to choose what you are going to focus on and therefore what will expand in your life.

If you focus on all the things you don't have, changes are extremely good more of the things you don't want will continue to show up in your life.

But if instead, you begin to shift your thoughts, think about better things and focus on all the things you have to be grateful for and what you are calling into your life, more and more good will inevitably show up. 

Overcoming limiting beliefs is absolutely a process. It will take more than a day or a week to overcome something you have been struggling with for years. But, it doesn't have to take a long time either. Again, we get to choose if we are going to shift our beliefs quickly or not.

Know that you are completely worthy. You are enough and that everything you desire is more than possible for you.

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