11 Things Keeping You Stuck AF & Not Making Money

11 things keeping you stuck AF

If you're anything like me (which I know you are). You have big dreams for your life, you want a business, a job, a life that excites you and you know you are on this planet to do more. You aren't entirely sure why you feel stuck AF, but you do. 

You are talented. You are gifted. But you can't seem to figure out why you aren't moving forward at the pace you desire to.

So let's dive into my honest list of 11 things that kept me stuck AF last year and are potentially keeping you stuck too!

11 Things Keeping You Stuck AF & Not Making Money

1. I didn't know how to market SOLUTIONS to potential clients.

2. I felt like I had to prove myself to strangers on the internet instead of SHOW people HOW I could help them.

3. I wasn't allowing my business to be ALIGNED with who I really wanted to help (because it was SCARY AF)

4. I was doing #allthethings others were telling me to do (ohhhh Voxer coaching...every coach does that, therefore I MUST do that too)

5. Money blocks//money fears

6. I was being SUPER hard on myself without even realizing it

7. Comparing my progress with strangers on the Internet

8. Not having proper boundaries in place in my life

9. Thinking I had to overcome my fears instead of simply letting my fears be there, be a HUMAN, and still do the damn thing fears and all

10. Not having the right support in my business and life to ask me hard questions while also supporting the F outta me

and probably the BIGGEST thing that stood in my way...

11. Giving away my power over and over again by thinking there was a secret I didn't know. 

I had ALWAYS been successful in my life and literally never doubted my success. Literally something in me has always believed I can do absolutely anything and everything I set my mind to. Not entirely sure why the online space felt different to me, but it did. 

I was giving away my power, doubting myself, looking to others that hadn't actually built success in a way that felt good to me, and I was STUCK AF. 

What do you relate to? Where are you keeping yourself stuck AF?

Want some help getting out of your own way and stepping fully into YOUR confidence and power? Because you already know enough. You're already good enough. You might just need a mirror to help you and I'd love nothing more than to support you.

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